can i look like this when i grow up?






2003-08-18 // 10:22 a.m.

homo economics

I don�t care�I enjoyed the power being out. Just went out and got trashed�which was actually kind of fun. No music, warm beer and great conversation. Something special about it being so dark.

As I was listening to Donna Summer while riding my bicycle to work this morning, I had that dream (vision) again where I get unemployed � have the opportunity to change everything about my life � and become a completely happy person.

The reality of that dream might not be as fun as I imagine.

I am trying to finish my application for grad school by September 1st. Not too sure if that is really gonna happen. It�s not really due until October 15th.

For those of you that have already inquired, you know who you are, I doubt very much that I will teach at the new �GAY� high school in New York City.

Unless of course, they re-instate Home Economics and call it something sassy like �Living� where the lessons are modeled after themed issues of Martha Stewart�s Living.

Or, maybe they could call it Homo Economics and we can teach things like �how to plan your weekend around happy hour� or �making last season look like new�.

Who knows�stranger things have happened.

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