can i look like this when i grow up?






2004-02-12 // 2:16 p.m.


as i write this, cupcake is busy on a 'very important' conference call.

her day job as an advertising sales rep has been extremely demanding - leaving very little time for updates.

she keeps handing me pieces of paper with notes of what she would like to report.

contrary to popular belief, cupcake does eat three healthy meals a day...sometimes even a snack. for example - today she ate a delicious protein chocolate coconut treat as soon as she woke up.

it was a lifting day and she felt it necessary to feed her feeble muscles prior to using them.

this is the first time in her life she felt comfortable...even beautiful (thin) a bulky ribbed sweater.

these usually leave her feeling fat and discusting...the ribbs giving to every bulge of fat deposited at her lower back.

well, she needs to use her computer for work i have to go.

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