can i look like this when i grow up?






2003-06-09 // 9:27 a.m.

girls on film

Last Friday I enjoyed a lesbian film with Joey and my friend liz at the New Festival. A gay ol' time was had by all.

An Empire Pictures Release. Co-Presented by the New York International Latino Film Festival.

Suddenly (Tan de Repente)

Diego Lerman

(Argentina, 35 mm, 90 min., Spanish with English subtitles, NYC Premiere)

Diego Lerman's award-winning feature debut, based on past festival favorite short, The Evidence (La Prueba), is by turns sinister, humorous, and tender as it charts the course of three young women in search of love and happiness. In Buenos Aires, Marcia, a frumpy young woman, works as a lingerie saleswoman. Nursing a broken heart since her boyfriend dumped her, she craves romance, but is stuck in a rut. One day, the monotony of Marcia's life is upset in a most unexpected way - two tough-acting punky girls called Mao and Lenin accost her on the street, with Mao declaring that she wants to sleep with Marcia. Bewildered, Marcia tries to escape the two women, but is instead kidnapped at knifepoint for an impromptu road trip which Mao hopes will win over Marcia's heart. During the course of their adventures, which includes a visit with Lenin's endearing and unconventional Aunt Blanca, the dynamic between Mao, Lenin, and Marcia changes profoundly and surprisingly. Featuring stunning black and white cinematography which captures the desolation and beauty of Argentina's urban and rural landscapes, Suddenly is utterly charming, original, unpredictable, and revelatory.

And since yesterday was our Puerto Rican Day Celebration...

Esta es una pelicula baseada en una anterior curta del cineasta, La Prueba, que a ganado un premio hace anos atras. Diego Lerman consigue ser sinistro, humorado y dulce mientras acompanando el curso de tres muchachas en busca de amor y felicidad. En Buenos Aires, la indulgente Marcia trabaja en una casa de lingeria. Ella se encuentra frustrada por haber sido largada por su novio y procura desesperadamente romanza mas nada ocurre. Hasta que un dia la monotonia de su vida es cortada inesperadamente cuando dos muchachas d'estilo punk y algo duronas, una llamada Mao y otra Lenin, la encercan en la calle, la primera declarando sus intenciones sexuales. Amedrontada, Marcia intenta fuirse mas las muchachas la fuerzan en su auto mientras apontandole sus cuchillos. Ellas se van en provincia, Mao aspectando que Marcia se enamore. Mientras la aventura se desarrola con una visita a la muy inconvencional tia Blanca de Lenin, la dinamica entre las tres muda profundamente y mismo arpreendentemente. La fotografia excepcional blanca y negra captura la desolation y belleza tanto de la vida urbana como de la rurale Argentina. Tan de Repente es fantasticamente hermosa, original, imprevisible y revelatoria.

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