can i look like this when i grow up?






2004-02-02 // 3:13 p.m.

miss pretty on the scene

oh girls...cupcake has returned.

she has been a very busy baker lately.

so much

so little time

school began

too much time trying to be most popular and beautiful and thin. she learned too young that good looks can so easily translate into good grades.

no one likes the ugly girl.

in an attempt to save money and inches on the waistline, she has been making batches of soup instead of baked goods.

this liquid diet has done nothing noticible to her waistline though.

she has traded in her jane fonda (pink, teal and blue) weights for the more butch ones used by the sexy ho-mexicans at the gym who keep eyeing her as she does her squats.

she secretly likes that.

she told me to tell you that she will never leave you for this long again.

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