can i look like this when i grow up?






2003-07-28 // 10:21 a.m.

will you still love me...

A lady and her man were having a "going away party".

We know them from the gym�she and I talk about things on the treadmill.

Other than that we never see them, but they invited Joey and me to their party�so we showed up with some wine.

Our intentions were to have a glass or two of wine, wish them well and head home for a good night's sleep.

The early part did not happen and as for the good night's sleep�not unless you count passing out.

The plan to get some good rest was set in motion because I was planning on attending some co-workers at the park on Saturday for a softball game.

Oh�don't worry�I was not planning on playing, but simply cheering them on�drink in hand and yelling at the top of my lungs�sort of like a big, drunk, gay cheerleader.

Due to the lack of rest I showed up to the game site about 3 hours late then just sort of lied down.

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