can i look like this when i grow up?






2003-07-15 // 2:11 p.m.

tips for working-class women

Observant readers will have noticed that Michelle Tea is listed as one of my favorite authors. I feel that the word favorite should be changed to something else�say, "current authors I am intrigued with." Favorite just sounds so played.

Regardless, Miss Tea has brought me much laughter with her books. She has won a LAMDA award not too long ago. This attention has enabled her to have opportunities to edit and compile authors she feels fit to print.

Two of my very dear friends' works have been chosen to be a part of an up-coming collection. The topic is working class women. I am very excited to read both pieces. Promises of Zoloft and Lesbianism - there really is nothing like an interesting biographical piece.

At one point I lived with both of these ladies. We had this group of...I don't know ...maybe 10-12 people living with us. Anyway, we were in the penthouse and had endless amounts of space and never minded sharing a bed.

One of our "Working Class Heroes" was constantly trying to get a date with the waitress, "Carla-Big-Titts", at the local vegitarian diner.

As books go�we will probably not have anything more than a working title before 2005�but hang in there.

For all interested in my diet and exercise regime - If you are into loosing weight around your middle - I would highly recommend a low-carb diet (and I mean very low carb�remember, you're only cheating yourself). Beer is very high in carbs�so is tonic�keep this in mind�order light beer or vodka seltzer on a night out. Combined with running at least 20-30 minutes a day�.soon�you too can look like Calista!

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